13 Children Add Up To Asset For Challenger
Hutchinson senate foe says God put him in race
A Full Quiver
ABC News - Nightline - Jan 3, 2007
A Growing Movement for Growing Families for God
Army of God
Fox News : Live Desk - Jan 17, 2007
Arrows for the War
The Nation - November 27, 2006 Issue
Being Fruitful
The Washington Times
Birth Dearth
Newsweek - November 2006 Issue
Remember the population bomb? The new threat to the planet is not too many people but too few. How the new demography will shape the coming century.
The New York Times - 7 May 2006
By Russell Shorto
How Full is Your Quiver?
Newsweek.com - 13 November 2006
It�s hardly a typical scene from the suburbs. The Bortel home outside San Antonio, Tex., counts 12 members�parents David and Suzanne and their 10 children, ranging from 13 months to 15 (the 20-year-old married and moved away)�all crammed into a four-bedroom house that trembles constantly with activity. Everything revolves around the home: Dad works there, the kids are schooled there, the youngest three were born there.
Miss Oregon
Miss Oregon Pageant Winner Emphasizes Abortion-Breast Cancer Link
More children, a greater gift
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - 12/26/2006
by Patrick McIlheran
"...the result is likely a lot of children who learn from the start that they are not accidental, either in the cosmos or the family, that the existence of every human is divinely willed and to be treasured. A world with more future adults who believe that is, all things considered, probably going to be a better place."
Overview: Breast Cancer and the Pill
Summary of the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) Proceedings on
Over-the-Counter Products Date: June 28-29, 2000
from "A Trip to the Woodshed"
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ten Great Reasons To Have Another Child
by Steve Mosher
When Your Quiver Overflows
from The Patriarch's Path by Mrs. Stacy McDonald